Sunday 15 April 2012

report - How to specify a margin top for pto_header in RML? -

report - How to specify a margin top for pto_header in RML? -

i doing study going have lot of lines, hence going composed several pages.

i declared pto_header, because want shown @ top of each page. problem is totally attached external header of report, not good. specify margin-top pto_header (which blocktable).

by moment, not able manage it. tried include couple of <para> attribute spacebefore, ignored in each page except first one.

... <stylesheet> ... <parastyle name="terp_header" fontsize="15.0" leading="20" alignment="center" spacebefore="20.0" spaceafter="20.0"/> </stylesheet> <story> <pto> <pto_header> <para style="terp_header"></para> <para style="terp_header"></para> <blocktable colwidths="480.0"> <tr> <td> <para>name</para> </td> </tr> </blocktable> </pto_header> <para style="terp_header"></para> <para style="terp_header"></para> <blocktable colwidths="480.0"> <tr> <td> <para>name</para> </td> </tr> </blocktable> ... </pto> </story> ...

i taking code of other standard reports, , in fact, bad, because not respect margin , internal headers totally sticked external headers.

can help me, please? solution works first page. must improve way manage this.

report openerp openerp-7 rml

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