Tuesday 15 January 2013

Image not loaded for page with og tags when first time pasting to facebook -

Image not loaded for page with og tags when first time pasting to facebook -

i have page https://pixit.im/aac contains video , has right og tags. og debugger says fine , shows image og:image there.

however, when first time pasting link facebook, not see image on preview, text form og:title , og:description.

if open url in fb og debugger, or paste later, or post record link, image appears.

but, fact is, every time first time paste link resource(https://pixit.im/a**) fb share dialog, not load image preview. question - why?

turns out reply set og:image:width , og:image:height.

see also: facebook open graph no image first time

(in own testing, found setting og:image:width , og:image:height sufficient. setting og:image:type unnecessary.)

facebook facebook-opengraph opengraph

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