Tuesday 15 January 2013

javascript - wowjs / animate.css and hidden elements -

javascript - wowjs / animate.css and hidden elements -

elements on page hidden (using jquery's hide()), , revealed through users clicking on menu items (using jquery's show()).

the elements beingness shown hidden state not playing wowjs or animate.css animations. if remove hidden state, , default them showing, animations play on page load.

i'd animations play when element goes visible/shown state, not when user scrolls downwards them (which realize wowjs meant for).

wow js library not provide facility when click on element animation apply,it's animation apply when element appear on dom.you can apply animation when jquery show() event accrued time used jquery addclass() function provide animation on click event used addclass() function of jquery:-

$("element").addclass("animation name animate.css");

javascript jquery css animation

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