Tuesday 15 January 2013

jodatime - How to get the month start and end date for the ISO year using Joda time libray in Java -

jodatime - How to get the month start and end date for the ISO year using Joda time libray in Java -

for specific month , year,i want month start , end date iso year using joda time libray in java. example, have month march , year 2014, want know starting , end date month march in iso year.

apart joda-time library, there other way same thing.

maybe help:

datetime dt = new datetime().withyear(2014).withmonthofyear(3); datetime start = dt.withdayofmonth(1).withtimeatstartofday(); datetime end = start.plusmonths(1).minusmillis(1);

java jodatime

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