Monday 15 April 2013

database - 1000+ users, 30+ private data collections -

database - 1000+ users, 30+ private data collections -

i'm working on management/planning application have 1,000+ users, each 30+ info collections.

for instance, each user might have collection of, say, client contacts few 10 , many several hundred items/records.

would arangodb suitable selection application?

is there improve choice?

many thanks,


i assume user databases should kept separate, user 1 should not see info of user 2 etc.

if so, there alternative create separate database each user, or, mentioned 30+ databases each user. result in 30,000+ databases. think wouldn't ideal usage of arangodb, each database incur overhead, , may want maintain total number of databases in arangodb relatively small, @ to the lowest degree wouldn't create 30,000+ databases in it.

the alternative alternative not create many databases many collections, maybe in same databases. while provides separation of user data, point of resource usage rather expensive (as each collections may need separate storage file if contains data). think work if not users/collections need active @ same time , server has plenty of resources (or split info across multiple servers).

the solution utilize to the lowest degree resources in arangodb set info of multiple users few collections. each record store user-id, , have application utilize user-id in each query. ensure application access records of 1 specific user @ time. additionally, utilize few collections, there no need create empty or empty databases / collections users few data. resource usage point of view, should relatively efficient.

database nosql arangodb

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