Monday 15 April 2013

excel - How to put values in liked combo boxes in internet explorer using vba -

excel - How to put values in liked combo boxes in internet explorer using vba -

i trying fill in form on website using vba.

problem: problem in webpage comboboxes linked illustration if select value in first combobox manually activates next 1 (which otherwise greyed out). however, when seek fill values in comboboxes using vba in lastly line of below code, next combobox still greyed out / inactive. please help.

sub newabc() dim ie object set ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application") ie.visible = true ie.navigate "url" while ie.busy doevents wend ie.document.getelementbyid("user").value = "username" ie.document.getelementbyid("password").value = "password" ie.document.all("submit").click while ie.busy doevents wend ie.navigate "tab" while ie.busy doevents wend ie.document.all("new").click while ie.busy doevents wend ie.document.all("j_id0:frm:jobtrackerpageblock0:startflds1:repeat5:1:inputfield").value = "media payables" 'problem occurs here next combo box stays inactive.


ie.document.all("elementid‌​").onchange did trick. give thanks you. have been trying figure out quite sometime now. ton axel richter.

excel vba internet-explorer combobox

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