Sunday 15 September 2013

java - Velocity Create a new instance of i18nHelper in order to set the locale -

java - Velocity Create a new instance of i18nHelper in order to set the locale -

i found documentation :

i18nhelper locale velocity context in email rendering

i'm trying edit "issuecreated" template duplicate mail service content twice. want write 2 same content. 1 in french, sec in english language (everytime) so, template must have both languages french , english

example :

hello oliver

you created new request st-1898. request has status "waiting support"

bonjour oliver

vous avez créé une nouvelle requête st-1898. la requête le statut "en attente du support"

by default, i18n variable en_us. can see if $i18n.getlocale().tostring()

i create new instance set fr

i seek :

#set( $i18n = $i18nhelper.getinstance($locale.french) )

with new instance, utilize jiravelocityhelper has getfieldname(string fieldkey, i18nhelper i18n)

can help me ? help appreciate.

java jira velocity jira-plugin

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