Sunday 15 September 2013

JSDoc3 & DocStrap: Global menu is missing in the navigation -

JSDoc3 & DocStrap: Global menu is missing in the navigation -

the global menu missing in navigation while:

the global.html file exists the global entry nowadays in right toc when no template used

is there special setup utilize in order inquire docstrap template add together global menu navigation?

hereinafter setup:


jsdoc: { all: { src: [ './src/main/js/**/*.js', './', ], options: { destination: 'doc', tutorials: './src/main/js/tut', configure : "jsdocconf.json", template: 'node_modules/grunt-jsdoc/node_modules/ink-docstrap/template', }, } },


{ "tags": { "allowunknowntags" : true }, "plugins" : ["plugins/markdown"], "templates": { "cleverlinks" : true, "monospacelinks" : true, "dateformat" : "ddd mmm yyyy", "outputsourcefiles" : false, "outputsourcepath" : false, "systemname" : "name", "footer" : "", "copyright" : "copyright", "navtype" : "vertical", "theme" : "spacelab", "linenums" : true, "collapsesymbols" : false, "inversenav" : false, "highlighttutorialcode" : true }, "markdown" : { "parser" : "gfm", "hardwrap" : false } }

you need create sure documentation comments specifying things exist @ global level. @typedef illustration of thing ends beingness global. here's example:

/** * 1 of following: * <code>'css'</code>, <code>'hbs'</code>, <code>'img'</code>, <code>'js'</code> * @typedef {string} supportedassettype */

edit: i'm assuming downvote means asker indeed have global entries such @ to the lowest degree 1 @typedef.


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