Sunday 15 March 2015

c# - LINQ XML file parsing -

c# - LINQ XML file parsing -

i'm trying parse below xml info values of name , total each metricresponse

<metricresponses xmlns="" xmlns:i=""> <metricresponse> <code>success</code> <data> <displayname>cpu time</displayname> <endtime>2013-04-16t17:10:37.6101155z</endtime> <name>cputime</name> <primaryaggregationtype>total</primaryaggregationtype> <starttime>2013-04-16t17:00:00z</starttime> <timegrain>pt1h</timegrain> <unit>milliseconds</unit> <values> <metricsample> <count>1</count> <maximum i:nil="true" /> <minimum i:nil="true" /> <timecreated>2013-04-16t17:00:00z</timecreated> <total>390</total> </metricsample> </values> </data> <message /> </metricresponse>

i have written next linq query it:

xnamespace ns = ""; var metrics = b in doc.root.descendants(ns + "metricresponse") select new { name=b.element(ns+"data").element(ns+"name"), total=b.element(ns+"data").element(ns+"values").element(ns+"metricsample").element(ns+"total") };

but when nullreferenceexception when looping through metrics. query works fine getting name value , exception occurs total expression.

c# xml linq

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