Sunday 15 March 2015

html5 - stop keyboard from shifting app up and enabling scroll in IOS 7/8 -

html5 - stop keyboard from shifting app up and enabling scroll in IOS 7/8 -

we have app fixed width , height , not allow user scroll. part of app have navbar fixed screen under status area. works great.

the problem when keyboard shown, shifts our app window create room keyboard. @ point possible scroll our app , titlebar should fixed top no longer on screen.

ideally keyboard still show, our app window resize not tall, items fixed top still fixed top. also, should not able scroll window @ point.

so sani mentioned in comment iconic keyboard plugin in fact i'm looking for:


cordova.plugins.keyboard.disablescroll(true); cordova.plugins.keyboard.hidekeyboardaccessorybar(true);

ios html5 cordova keyboard

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