Sunday 15 March 2015

c++ quickfix failure to send -

c++ quickfix failure to send -

i'm having unexpected issue c++ quickfix client application using prepare 4.4. form marketdatarequest , populate , phone call send returns true. message not found in message or event log files. no error seems reported - happening?

fix44::marketdatarequest request(fix::mdreqid(tmp) , fix::subscriptionrequesttype('1') , fix::marketdepth(depth)); // 0 total depth fix::subscriptionrequesttype subtype(fix::subscriptionrequesttype_snapshot); fix44::marketdatarequest::norelatedsym symbolgroup; symbolgroup.set(fix::symbol(i.subid)); request.addgroup(symbolgroup); fix::header &header = request.getheader(); header.setfield(fix::sendercompid(sessionsenderid)); header.setfield(fix::targetcompid(sessiontargetid)); if (fix::session::sendtotarget(request) == false) homecoming false;

my fixconfig looks like:

[default] heartbtint=30 resetonlogout=y resetonlogon=y resetondisconnect=y connectiontype=initiator usedatadictionary=y filelogpath=logs [session] filelogpath=logs beginstring=fix.4.4 datadictionary=xxxxx connectiontype=initiator reconnectinterval=60 targetcompid=tcompid sendercompid=scompid socketconnectport=123456 socketconnectprotocol=tcp starttime=01:05:00 endtime=23:05:30 filelogpath=logs filestorepath=logs socketusessl=n

thanks help, mark

mark, couple of notes not related question may found useful:

you dont have explicitly set targetcompid/sendercompid each message, engine you. do not place logic callbacks(like did market info subscription in onlogon). improve create additional thread consume events listener, create decisions , take action.

c++ quickfix

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