Sunday, 15 March 2015

hibernate - force database connections to re-connect -

hibernate - force database connections to re-connect -

i'm using hibernate c3p0 connection pooling.

the problem we're facing periodically perform database upgrades not take effect active connections - hence running applications need purge open connections , re-connect.

i know there maxage connections in c3p0, don't think wise set value less 30 seconds.

is there mechanism can tell applications disconnect/reconnect immediately?

i'm not sure how maybe test query leveraged?

ideas welcome.


c3p0 pooleddatasources offer hardreset() method , series of softreset methods, replace connections in pools new connections. see

hardreset() sure , , disruptive: close() connections under clients in pools datasource manages.

softreset gentler: can reset single pool if wish, , connections aren't close()ed out beneath clients, clients may go on utilize them , quietly discarded rather returned pool.

[note 1 c3p0 datasource may manage multiple pools if have called getconnection( user, password ), getconnection(). connections authenticated different users must segregated different pools.]

in likelihood you'll want phone call softresetallusers(). cast c3p0 datasource pooleddatasource (in com.mchange.v2.c3p0) , phone call method.

hibernate c3p0

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