Sunday 15 March 2015

ms access - Importing AccessDB and Oracle directly into MongoDB -

ms access - Importing AccessDB and Oracle directly into MongoDB -

i receiving .dmp , .mdb files client & need info mongodb.

is there way straight import these file types mongo?

the goal programmatically ingest these mongo in way can. rule client not alter method of info delivery, meaning i'm stuck .dmp , .mdb files source.

any assistance appreciated.

here few options/ideas:

convert mdb csv, utilize mongoimport --type csv import mongodb. use etl tool, e.g. pentaho, informatica, etc. give much more flexibility doing necessary transformation/conversion of data. write custom etl tool, using libraries know how read mdb , dmp files.

you don't mention how plan utilize data, how many tables in database, , how normalized tables are. depending on specifics of utilize case, it's possible loading info access "as is" not selection since normalized schemas not fit mongodb , mongodb not natively back upwards joins. etl tool can help, extracting source info , transforming appropriate json structure.

mongodb ms-access

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