Tuesday 15 May 2012

codenameone - Cannot set padding bigger than 100px in Codename One designer -

codenameone - Cannot set padding bigger than 100px in Codename One designer -

codename 1 ui builder not allow set padding value bigger 100px. in particular case need padding set 140px. how can accomplish this?

rephrased question:

see screenshots below. first 1 ipad, sec - iphone.

on tablets , on phone width should calculated minimum of 528px , portrait width minus left , right paddings (20px each).

lwuit far not same as, example, javafx , building of pages way more complicated, because layout managers not taking consideration preferred dimensions. , width cannot set directly. setting of preferred size deprecated , not working actually. technically can implement own layout, did 1 time in codename 1 , not problem @ all. rather avoid writing own layout unless no other way available.

we blocked since seems practically setting things in absolute position , bad idea. can utilize millimeters work around since much larger pixels either way should rethink doing if need many pixels.

you thinking wrong. on retina ipad mini 140 pixels half of on ipad. same goes iphone 6+ vs. iphone 4. need discard concept of pixels exclusively , think in millimeters in case 100mm way more enough. furthermore ipad design looks blown iphone design not best practice, want create more productive utilize of available space.

you can create custom ipad design using override feature allows different tablet/phone.

notice javafx/awt/swing ignore problems of dpi variance @ scale don't incorporate complexities , won't fit in devices have such wide difference in dpi.


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