Tuesday 15 May 2012

windows - Carriage return + Linefeed => Line feed -

windows - Carriage return + Linefeed => Line feed -

i understand mac os x uses unix convention of new line, windows uses carriage return, linefeed @ end of lines.

do know tools convert carriage homecoming + linefeed line feed working on mac os? or commands convert it?

if utilize mac utilize such dos2unix , unix2dos (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dos2unix/). if creating files on windows , moving them mac can utilize programme notepad , alter eol setting (eol conversion in notepad ++).

indiana university has page on @ https://kb.iu.edu/d/acux, if utilize perl method , scripting language convert many files @ once. utilize automator on mac create droplet drop 1 or more text files onto , automatically converts file.

windows osx terminal

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