Tuesday 15 May 2012

Jenkins job scheduler -

Jenkins job scheduler -

how can set jenkins run job @ particular time? if i'd set 8:30am every weekday , do

h 7 * * 1-5

this randomly picks 7:35am running time.

h pseudo-random number, based on hash of jobname.

when configured: h 7 telling it:

at 7 o'clock, @ random minute, same min time

here help straight jenkins (just click ? icon)

to allow periodically scheduled tasks produce load on system, symbol h (for “hash”) should used wherever possible. example, using 0 0 * * * dozen daily jobs cause big spike @ midnight. in contrast, using h h * * * still execute each job 1 time day, not @ same time, improve using limited resources.

the h symbol can used range. example, h h(0-7) * * * means time between 12:00 (midnight) 7:59 am. can utilize step intervals h, or without ranges.

the h symbol can thought of random value on range, hash of job name, not random function, value remains stable given project

if want @ 8:30 every weekday, must specify that: 30 8 * * 1-5


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