Tuesday 15 May 2012

xcode - Include non-modular header inside framework module with Allow non-modular includes set to YES -

xcode - Include non-modular header inside framework module with Allow non-modular includes set to YES -

background i'm building api framework in swift. want include reachability class can used internally , externally.

status i've copied source of reachability class provided tony million, added import statement header. .h file set public in headers section of build phases. i've set allow non-modular includes in framework modules yes in both project , target. whenever go build project, error:

include of non-modular header within framework module 'myframework.reachability'

on line imports ifaddrs.h.

question how can project build? there framework need link against isn't systemconfiguration?

have @ sample project: https://github.com/tomaskraina/swift-modules-reachability

it consists of apiframework , reachabilityapp , demonstrates how set can utilize reachability both internally in framework externally - in app.

xcode swift ios8 reachability

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