Tuesday, 15 May 2012

rspec3 - mutant-rspec with Rails 4 and Rspec 3 -

rspec3 - mutant-rspec with Rails 4 and Rspec 3 -

doesn't seem it's running specs (log statements in specs/model don't show in log).

i have simple user model standard describe blocks (describe user ...):

$ rails_env=test bundle exec mutant -r ./config/environment --use rspec user module#name from: xpath::html did not homecoming string or nil. prepare lib back upwards normal ruby semantics! module#name from: xpath did not homecoming string or nil. prepare lib back upwards normal ruby semantics! #<method: user (call 'user.connection' found connection).page> not have valid source location unable emit subject mutant configuration: matcher: #<mutant::matcher::config match_expressions=[<mutant::expression: user>] subject_ignores=[] subject_selects=[]> integration: rspec expect coverage: 100.00% processes: 8 includes: [] requires: ["./config/environment"] mutant configuration: matcher: #<mutant::matcher::config match_expressions=[<mutant::expression: user>] subject_ignores=[] subject_selects=[]> integration: rspec expect coverage: 100.00% processes: 8 includes: [] requires: ["./config/environment"] available subjects: 0 subjects: 0 mutations: 0 kills: 0 alive: 0 runtime: 1.05s killtime: 0.00s overhead: inf% coverage: 0.00% expected: 100.00% $

ruby-on-rails-4 rspec3 mutation-testing

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