Tuesday 15 May 2012

node.js - Point subdomain and root/www to different Heroku apps -

node.js - Point subdomain and root/www to different Heroku apps -

i've been trying set dns couple of apps using same domain.

i want www.playfade.com , playfade.com redirect playfade.herokuapp.com, set cname , alias respectively point heroku app. works fine.

i want beta.playfade.com point @ soundedout.herokuapp.com. this, set cname beta.playfade.com soundedout.herokuapp.com. this, however, doesn't work. when access beta.playfade.com, i'm redirected www.playfade.com.

i used mxtoolbox check beta.playfade.com , given few errors:

class="snippet-code-html lang-html prettyprint-override"> bad glue detected parent server gave glue beta.playfade.com soundedout.herokuapp.com resolve hostname at to the lowest degree 1 name server failed respond in timely manner failure detail: local ns list not match parent ns list reported parent, not locally reported parent, not locally reported parent, not locally reported parent, not locally reported locally, not parent serial numbers not match

i've set domains correctly in heroku dashboard well.

any help appreciated.

➜ ~ dig beta.playfade.com ; <<>> dig 9.8.3-p1 <<>> beta.playfade.com ;; global options: +cmd ;; got answer: ;; ->>header<<- opcode: query, status: nxdomain, id: 64369 ;; flags: qr rd ra; query: 1, answer: 0, authority: 1, additional: 0 ;; question section: ;beta.playfade.com. in ;; authorization section: playfade.com. 296 in soa ns1.dnsimple.com. admin.dnsimple.com. 2014110501 86400 7200 604800 300 ;; query time: 668 msec ;; server: ;; when: thu nov 6 10:29:27 2014 ;; msg size rcvd: 90

there no cname configured hostname beta.playfade.com. create sure configure it, , create sure have no redirect configuration within app (or if have it, tweak accordingly).

node.js heroku dns dnsimple

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