Sunday 15 March 2015

ios - Is there a way to normalize json data from NSJSONSerialization? -

ios - Is there a way to normalize json data from NSJSONSerialization? -

it seems since xcode 6.1, iphone 5s, iphone 6 , iphone 6+ simulators (all 64-bit) homecoming info next scheme method differently (keys ordered differently) 32-bit simulator counterparts (e.g. iphone 5 simulator)

+ (nsdata *)datawithjsonobject:(id)obj options:(nsjsonwritingoptions)opt error:(nserror **)error;

this difference of key ordering caused problem me since calculate sha1 of json info (converted nsstring*) , utilize validation test. since ordering changed, sha1 changed , validation fails.

simplified sample code (non-arc) sha1 below:

nsdata* jsondata = [nsjsonserialization datawithjsonobject:dict options:0 error:&error]; nsstring * json = [[[nsstring alloc] initwithdata:jsondata encoding:nsutf8stringencoding] autorelease]; nsstring * sha1 = [myutils computesha1:json]; +(nsstring*) computesha1:(nsstring*)input { const char *cstr = [input cstringusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; nsdata *data = [nsdata datawithbytes:cstr length:input.length]; nsnumber* datalen = [nsnumber numberwithunsignedinteger:data.length]; uint8_t digest[cc_sha1_digest_length]; cc_sha1(data.bytes, datalen.unsignedintvalue, digest); nsmutablestring* output = [nsmutablestring stringwithcapacity:cc_sha1_digest_length * 2]; for(int = 0; < cc_sha1_digest_length; i++) [output appendformat:@"%02x", digest[i]]; homecoming output; }

apparently, key ordering difference doesn't happen on actual devices (previous behavior preserved).

i tried nsjsonwritingprettyprinted alternative json ordering still inconsistent between simulators.

so, question is: have recommendation on how normalize such json info not susceptible key ordering changes? alternately, there way previous (32-bit simulator) behavior?

key ordering in dictionaries not guaranteed. if need them sorted, set them array , sort them.

ios objective-c xcode

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