Sunday, 15 March 2015

javascript - can not set tooltip dynamically for each highlighted dates in datepicker -

javascript - can not set tooltip dynamically for each highlighted dates in datepicker -

i have done highlights dates using jquery datepicker problem is, trying give tooltips each date highlighted can not achieve!.

the code tried,

beforeshowday: function(date) { var highlightdays=["2014-11-20", "2014-11-21", "2014-11-24", "2014-11-25"]; var whosebday=["mani-bday","john-bday","saro-bday","mikel-bday"]; var y = date.getfullyear().tostring(); // total year var m = (date.getmonth() + 1).tostring(); // month. var d = date.getdate().tostring(); // day //alert(m.length); if(m.length == 1){ m = '0' + m; } // append zero(0) if single digit if(d.length == 1){ d = '0' + d; } // append zero(0) if single digit //var currdate = y+'-'+m+'-'+d; (var = 0; < highlightdays.length; i++) { if($.inarray(y + '-' + (m) + '-' + d,disableddays) != -1) { //alert("i value"+i); homecoming [true, 'cssdate', 'today bday for:'+whosebday[i]]; } var day = date.getday(); homecoming [(day != 0), ''];//disable sundays } homecoming [true]; }

i guess problem i value not increment in whosebday[i].

note : output is, mani-bday([0]) come dates. tell me wrong?

the error in using for loop , $.inarray inside. $.inarray gives index of date if found or -1 otherwise. loop nail return statement. performing 1 , 1 iteration. hence why i = 0.

get rid of loop , homecoming true if found corresponding index returned $.inarray. refactoring little bit code:

beforeshowday: function(date) { var y = date.getfullyear().tostring(); // total year var m = (date.getmonth() + 1).tostring(); // month. var d = date.getdate().tostring(); // day if(m.length == 1){ m = "0" + m; } // append zero(0) if single digit if(d.length == 1){ d = "0" + d; } // append zero(0) if single digit var ymd = y + '-' + (m) + '-' + d; var = $.inarray(ymd, highlightdays); if (i != -1) { homecoming [true, "cssdate", whosebday[i]]; } var day = date.getday(); homecoming [day != 0, ''];//disable sundays }

see demo

javascript jquery

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