Sunday, 15 March 2015

javascript - tablesorter does not sort currency as I want -

javascript - tablesorter does not sort currency as I want -

i using tablesorter jquery plugin created christian bach. works great, have 1 little problem. in table have column contains currency data. currency in euro. problem plugin sorts values wrong. illustration tabelsort sorts de values in order €33,00 €2,00 €1.000,99 while should €1.000,99 €33,00 €2,00

so comma , dot should ordered differently. know how can prepare this?

refer code

<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#thetable").tablesorter({ sortinitialorder:'desec', decimal: ',', sortlist: [[3,1]] // etc. }); } ); </script>

javascript jquery tablesorter

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