Sunday 15 March 2015

linux - Count occurrences with grep -

linux - Count occurrences with grep -

grep -o "$var" file | wc -l

it works when replace "$var" text string, not variable.

i have checked the "$var" string.

grep -o "$var" file | wc -l

it works when replace "$var" text string, not variable.

i have checked the "$var" string.


hi, here code. list.txt contain multi-line word list, each line contains 1 word. source.txt 1 line file consist multiple characters without spaces.

#!/bin/bash in $(seq 1 100) word=$(sed "$i"'q;d' list.txt) #remove new line character word=${word//$'\r\n'/} grep -o "$word" source.txt | wc -l >>output done

example list.txt:

aa bb cc

example source.txt:


what show should work expected. how fail?

in case, improve way count occurrences of each of list of words in anoter file be:

class="lang-sh prettyprint-override">#!/usr/bin/env bash while read word grep -oc "$word" source.txt >> output done < <(sed 's/\r//' list.txt)

here, using while loop read file after removing windows style line endings. then, utilize grep's -c alternative count occurrences. when run on illustration files, produces:

$ cat output 1 1 1

to count multiple occurrences in single line, seek this:

while read word export word; perl -lne '@c=/$env{"word"}/g; $f=scalar @c; print $f if $f>0' source.txt done < list.txt

linux grep

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