Tuesday 15 June 2010

ios - Authentication Failed Error - XMPPFramework - not-authorized -

ios - Authentication Failed Error - XMPPFramework - not-authorized -

after connecting server, ie. after successful callback

- (void) xmppstreamdidconnect:(xmppstream *)sender

i authentication failure, ie. next callback called:

(void) xmppstream:(xmppstream *)sender didnotauthenticate:(nsxmlelement *)error

the nsxmlelement looks this:

<failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><not-authorized/><text>the response provided client doesn't match 1 calculated.</text></failure>

like said, 1 time in while. i've traced issue , i've tried several things far. things that's have looked , can confirm far:

the username , password 100% correct i'm using scram-sha-1 authentication mechanism (xmppscramsha1authentication) my server supports plain mechanism , fails (xmppplainauthentication) if seek forcefulness disconnect when error ([xmppstream disconnect]) , in xmppstreamdiddisconnect callback seek re-open stream ([xmppstream connectwithtimeout:xmppstreamtimeoutnone error:&error]) infinite loop because authentication fails consistently

now, looked farther , when using scram-sha-1 mechanism looks fails on sec challenge. client sends (seemingly valid) server server doesn't , throws not-authorized error.

thoughts anyone?

you have check username , password. if passing wrong username , password authenticate/login didnotauthenticate method called

ios objective-c xmpp xmppframework

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