Tuesday 15 June 2010

php - laravel blade, how to append to a section -

php - laravel blade, how to append to a section -

if laravel official documentation http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/templates says giving layout:

<!-- stored in app/views/layouts/master.blade.php --> <html> <body> @section('sidebar') master sidebar. @show <div class="container"> @yield('content') </div> </body> </html>

extended view

@extends('layouts.master') @section('sidebar') <p>this appended master sidebar.</p> @stop @section('content') <p>this body content.</p> @stop

will append section sidebar. if seek doesn't append, override content extended template.

i heard others blade function @append, @prepend, @parent... no 1 seems work.

beside, illustration in official doc doesn't work, find blade documentation poor. there's nil blade function @parent instance.

the illustration in documentation larvel website indeed seem flawed, think it's markdown parsing problem on website, same docs on github show right code:

in case @parent indeed work. illustration in docs should this:

@extends('layouts.master') @section('sidebar') @parent <p>this appended master sidebar.</p> @stop @section('content') <p>this body content.</p> @stop

a quick in illuminate/view/factory.php confirms @parent does:

/** * append content given section. * * @param string $section * @param string $content * @return void */ protected function extendsection($section, $content) { if (isset($this->sections[$section])) { $content = str_replace('@parent', $content, $this->sections[$section]); } $this->sections[$section] = $content; }

php laravel laravel-4 template-engine blade

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