Saturday 15 January 2011

Update Eclipse plugin from 2.x style to 4.x style (plugin.xml to bundle) -

Update Eclipse plugin from 2.x style to 4.x style (plugin.xml to bundle) -

i have eclipse plugin written (not me, , don't have access original developer) i'm trying update eclipse luna, because stopped working when team updated eclipse 4.4.

i downloaded luna plugin development version, cleared few warnings, updated broken code, fixed few bugs, , tested "run -> eclipse application

this worked fine: views showed up, preferences pages, etc.

so tried export plugin test on fresh installation of vanilla eclipse luna. did using export wizard:

and generated deployable set of jars said wizard:

i copied generated folder (which contains jars appropriately) dropins folder of fresh vanilla eclipse luna , started up.

unfortunately, got next error:

which led me this question , this eclipse bug report, explains have 2.x style plugin uses plugin.xml instead of osgi style continuing search, found this question, directed @ 3.x version of eclipse, used 4.x equivalent:

which used next options checked:

and accepted changes in previous pane after (long-running) changeset. however, upon deploying vanilla install, got same error plugin converter. led me this question, recommending installing eclipse 2.0 plugin back upwards package. did , restarted eclipse. error in error log did stop showing up, view/preferences/etc plugin still not showing up. plugin show under help -> installation details -> plug-ins, doesn't seem interacting @ all.

the text of plugin.xml can found here @ pastebin. text of can found @ this other pastebin link

any suggestions getting plugin work through manual export other developers on team can test changes before seek releasing update world?

eclipse eclipse-plugin osgi eclipse-luna

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