Tuesday 15 May 2012

javascript - jqGrid. First single click on column span-resizer sets column width to default calculated -

javascript - jqGrid. First single click on column span-resizer sets column width to default calculated -

i have issue when i'm clicking first time column's span-resizer --> column width returns default calculated value. same thing appears when i'm trying resize it: resizes not current width, calculated!

this shows table after page load: columns' width good. screenshot after page load

but after clicking resize state column --> it's returns value (in case screenshot after click on column resize

how can prepare issue?

p.s. sorry, have no plenty rep add together images.

jqgrid hold column header , column info in separate dives. jqgrid have hold scroll position of header div (hdiv) same scroll position of div grid body (bdiv). think jqgrid have bug in situation. workaround can utilize resizestop 1 set scroll position of hdiv current scroll position of bdiv:

class="lang-js prettyprint-override">resizestop: function () { this.grid.hdiv.scrollleft = this.grid.bdiv.scrollleft; }

i think should solve problem.

javascript html jqgrid

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