Tuesday 15 May 2012

Patterns/Practices for Online Application Maintenance? -

Patterns/Practices for Online Application Maintenance? -

i work in tiny company has developed non-public-facing online application little expected client base. application isn't large, neither company, , there's no infrastructure dealing this. add together we're new online application development, our experience has been solely desktop applications.

the application go "live" soon. until now, i've been casual updating , using deployment platform sandbox. naturally, change. need more rigorous procedures evaluate changes, security , minimize bugs , downtime.

online applications have been around long plenty there should body of literature documenting maintenance patterns , "best practices". unfortunately, can't find them. googling turns spurious hits or "white papers" little content.

i'd appreciate sources. online articles preferred, i'll take other recommendations.

i'm not looking opinions on what's best, resources can utilize farther research.

i find a list apart articles quite helpful, since provide insights on how develop , maintain online applications, focusing on processes , team dynamics.

as freebie, check one, provides simple rationale on why , how have public style guide app.

maintenance maintenance-mode code-maintainability

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