Sunday 15 March 2015

php - How can i set session data to specific item from array -

php - How can i set session data to specific item from array -

this tried:

$id = mysql_query("select userid members username='".$gebruikersnaam."'"); $_session["id"] = (string)$id; var_dump($_session)

with result this:

array[1] { ["id"]=> string(15) "resource id #14"}

instead of actual string value

the mysql_query function returns resource. need fetch row resource. have info want in it.

$username = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $unescapedusername); $result = mysqli_query($link, 'select userid `members` username = "' . $username . '"'); // ^ result resource $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); // ^ row has array $_session['id'] = $row['userid'];

an has said, don't utilize mysql_* functions anymore.

php mysql arrays session

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