Sunday, 15 March 2015

python - RIDE.. Getting [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified when using Robot framework for Android library -

python - RIDE.. Getting [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified when using Robot framework for Android library -

im trying build automation test cases using robot framework android devices.

i have imported android library , have installed python on system.

my code follows:

*** settings *** library operatingsystem library selenium2library library androidlibrary *** test cases *** case1 start emulator avd_name='avd_for_nexus_5_by_google',no_window=false, language=en, country=us wait device timeout=120 press menu button stop emulator

when seek execute test case, error:

command: pybot.bat --argumentfile c:\users\kesav\appdata\local\temp\ridenhapet.d\argfile.txt --listener c:\python27\lib\site-packages\robotframework_ride-1.3-py2.7-win32.egg\robotide\contrib\testrunner\ c:\users\kesav\test [error 2] scheme cannot find file specified.

i have checked path environment variable, contains c:\python27 , c:\python27\scripts well.

please help!

first thing missing path, create sure path has:


you missing site-packages path, seek , me!

android python robotframework

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